Older adult job fair May 20 in Auburn

Region - Workforce Central Career Center is partnering with the Auburn Senior Center to host the second annual Older Adult Job Fair Friday, May 20, from 1:30 to 4 p.m. at the Senior Center, 4 Goddard Drive, Auburn. The event is intended for adults over 50 looking for work. Bring your resume for an interview. Entrance is free.

Most in Mass. insured: Access to care tight

The report found that while 97 percent of the state's residents were insured, in part due to the state's 2006 health care law, finding a doctor wasn't always easy. Only 44 percent of primary care doctors are accepting new patients, and hospital emergency departments, where care is typically more expensive than in a doctor’s office, are increasingly providing primary health services.

Labor Secy. Solis on National Employ Older Workers Week

“This week we celebrate the continued contributions of America’s older workers. It is also a time to get word to every employer about the importance and benefits of hiring these seasoned professionals. After all, experience — coupled with a solid work ethic and strong decision making skills — makes for excellent job candidates.”

On This Day: Medicare Proposed by President Kennedy

REGION - On February 9, 1961, Massachusetts native son President John F. Kennedy asked Congress to approve a health insurance program for Americans 65...

Gov. Patrick signs 10-day interim budget

BOSTON — Gov. Deval Patrick has signed a $1.25 billion stopgap budget to keep state government operating while lawmakers complete work on a final spending...

Modest premium increase for Medicare drug plans

The average monthly premium charged by Medicare drug plans for standard coverage will rise to an estimated $30 in 2011, an increase of $1 over 2010, or about 3 percent, said Medicare administrator Don Berwick.

Medicare trustees report shows challenges ahead

The Medicare Trustees Report released today shows that while Medicare remains solvent longer than expected prior to passage of the Affordable Care Act, challenges...

Social Security announces 2.0 percent benefit increase for 2018

Monthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for more than 66 million Americans will increase 2.0 percent in 2018, according to a press release from the Social Security Administration announced today.

Nyad celebrates historic swim from Cuba to Florida

By Jennifer Kay KEY WEST, Fla. — The clocks Diana Nyad uses to time her training swims show that she is slower than she used...

Gov’t: Health tab to hit $4.6 trillion in 2020

By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar WASHINGTON — The nation’s health care tab is on track to hit $4.6 trillion in 2020, accounting for about $1 of every $5...