Medicare premiums could rise for many retirees

By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar
 WASHINGTON — They may not agree on much else, but there’s a change to Medicare that President Barack Obama and Republicans both support:...

Heavy price: Medicare overpaying for back braces

By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar WASHINGTON — Internet sale price for a standard back brace: $99.99. What Medicare pays for the item: $900-plus. A federal report released Wednesday offers a...

Obama Social Security offer at odds with top Dems

By Stephen Ohlemacher
 WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s offer to slow the growth of Social Security benefits would force fellow Democrats in Congress to abandon promises...

Trade-offs in raising Medicare eligibility age

By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar
 WASHINGTON — Americans are living longer, and Republicans want to raise the Medicare eligibility age as part of any deal to reduce the...

What fiscal cliff means for Massachusetts seniors

BOSTON — With the Dec. 31 deadline to address expiring tax and spending cuts looming, many people across the nation and here in Massachusetts are...

Fiscal cliff hurts vulnerable Massachusetts seniors

BOSTON – At a time when many older people in Massachusetts are struggling to pay their grocery bills, the Fiscal Cliff automatic cuts — -if...

Tax them, not us, groups say

By  Charles Babington WASHINGTON — A big coalition of business groups says there must be give-and-take in the negotiations to avoid the “fiscal cliff” of massive...

Democrats stiffen spine against trimming benefits

By Andrew Taylor
 WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s re-election has stiffened Democrats’ spine against cutting popular benefit programs such as those providing health care coverage and...

Medicare premiums going up $5 a month for 2013

By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar WASHINGTON  — Medicare premiums are going up $5 a month in 2013, the government said Friday. It's less than expected, but still enough...

Liberal think tank unveils Medicare cut options

By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar WASHINGTON — Hoping to head off wider health care cuts in upcoming budget talks, a think tank close to the White House is...