Medicare premiums could rise for many retirees

By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar
 WASHINGTON — They may not agree on much else, but there’s a change to Medicare that President Barack Obama and Republicans both support:...

The National Senior Network keeps Massachusetts seniors connected and working

Are you over 55 and bored? Like to make some extra money during retirement? Like to get back into the workforce? The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), operating through the National Senior Network, assists people 55 and older who want to work and who are committed to searching for employment.

On This Day: Medicare Proposed by President Kennedy

REGION - On February 9, 1961, Massachusetts native son President John F. Kennedy asked Congress to approve a health insurance program for Americans 65...

Helping veterans and active duty military members

On Veterans Day, the nation honors the men and women who risk their lives to protect our freedom. Social Security honors veterans and active duty members of the military every day by giving them the respect they deserve. A vital part of that is administering the Social Security disability program.

AARP launches campaign to preserve health and retirement security

Washington, DC, May 4 — With the national debate heating up on raising the debt ceiling, today AARP launched a new campaign to fight proposals...

Supreme Court upholds key portion of Health Care Law

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court has upheld the individual insurance requirement at the heart of President Barack Obama's historic health care overhaul. The decision means the huge...

Health overhaul unpopular, but not as feared

WASHINGTON — Attacked as a rationing scheme and praised as a lifesaver, President Barack Obama’s health care law remains as divisive and confusing as ever....

Supercommittee offers up cuts to Medicare

By David Espo  WASHINGTON — Republicans on Congress’ deficit-reduction supercommittee outlined a plan Wednesday that includes spending cuts but none of the increases in tax revenue...

Medicare Advantage enrollment deadline looms

By Tom Murphy Millions of Medicare Advantage customers are fast approaching a deadline for a task they’d rather avoid: Researching and then settling on coverage...

Older Americans show alarming uptick in drug abuse

The study also shows a sharp rise during this period in the proportion of older Americans admissions related to illicit drug abuse — even though alcohol abuse is still the leading cause for admissions involving this age group.