Obama Social Security proposal panned in Mass.

BOSTON — Republicans and Democrats in Massachusetts are faulting President Barack Obama for proposing changes that would trim Social Security and Medicare benefits. The changes, included...

Obama seeks deal, proposes cuts to Social Security

WASHINGTON — Seeking an elusive middle ground, President Barack Obama is proposing a 2014 budget that embraces tax increases abhorred by Republicans as well as...

Scooter ads face scrutiny from government doctors

By Matthew Perrone WASHINGTON — TV ads show smiling seniors enjoying an “active” lifestyle on a motorized scooter, taking in the sights at the Grand Canyon,...

Elder Affairs: $6.5 million to end home care wait lists

BOSTON, Feb. 28 — Ann Hartstein, Secretary of the Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA), testified before the Joint Committee on Ways and Means about...

Obama’s charm campaign: High marks, no concessions

WASHINGTON, March 16 — President Barack Obama’s widely publicized recent string of meetings with rank-and-file Republican and Democratic lawmakers earned him public praise from even...

Applying for Obama health care plan not easy

By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar
 WASHINGTON — Applying for benefits under President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul could be as daunting as doing your taxes. The government’s draft application...

Survey: Many conflicted on gov’t spending cuts

By Tom Raum
 WASHINGTON — As President Barack Obama and lawmakers spar over huge federal deficits, they’re confronted by a classic contradiction: Most Americans want government...

Medicare paid $5.1B for poor nursing home care

By Garance Burke SAN FRANCISCO — Medicare paid billions in taxpayer dollars to nursing homes nationwide that were not meeting basic requirements to look after their...

Social Security head says program fraying from neglect

By Stephen Ohlemacher WASHINGTON — Outgoing Social Security Commissioner Michael J. Astrue has some parting shots for Congress, the White House and advocates for seniors. They...

Social Security commissioner to leave in February

WASHINGTON — Social Security Commissioner Michael J. Astrue says he will step down in February after completing his six-year term. Astrue’s departure gives President Barack...