Attorney presents his case for changing career to comedian

By Ed Karvoski Jr., Culture Editor Wakefield – The resume of a particular former Essex County assistant district attorney and criminal defense trial attorney also...

Working as Museum’s Train Curator keeps Beverly man on track

By Brett Peruzzi, Contributing Writer Wenham - Rob Flanagan’s interest in model trains began when he received his first set as a Christmas present when...

Ruth Pointer calls Massachusetts home

By Jane Keller Gordon, Assistant Editor Hopedale - Ruth Pointer’s life has been split in two halves: before and after. In many ways, after has...

Meet Lady Maria Chaffington, Jane Austen’s ‘friend’

By Jane Keller Gordon, Assistant Editor Hudson - Speaking in an English accent and dressed in a gown from the early 1800s, Lady Maria (pronounced...

Retired art educator learns to refocus on her own oil paintings

By Ed Karvoski Jr., Contributing Writer Northborough – After retiring from a 30-plus-year career as an art educator, figurative artist Marsha Gleason of Northborough resumed...

Continuing to help singers find their voice through cabaret

By Ed Karvoski Jr., Culture Editor Boston/Watertown – Now serving a second term as president of the Boston Association of Cabaret Artists (BACA), vocalist Jim Keating...

The Trustees announce return of Winterlights for the 2019 holiday season

Running November-December at Naumkeag in Stockbridge, the Stevens-Coolidge Place in North Andover and new this year, at the Eleanor Cabot Bradley Estate in Canton Region...

Rock Voices builds community, confidence

By Susan Gonsalves, Contributing Writer Auburn - They join for the opportunity to sing in a group. They stay because of the friendships and camaraderie...

The Mapparium® in Boston offers a senior discount

By Jane Keller Gordon, Assistant Editor Boston - It’s worth a trip to visit The Mapparium®, a three story 3D multicolored illuminated globe of the...

Stow musical duo’s appeal is multi-generational

By Brett Peruzzi, Contributing Writer Bolton/Stow - During Edward “Chip” Allen’s career as a software engineer, his music had to take a back seat to...