Why should you pay more for cremation?


By Joseph Casper

There are two reasons why you are willing to pay more for something. Either you don’t know that there are options available to you or you could care less about the cost. In an emergency situation, the pressure to make a quick decision can place you in a difficult position. However, there are always choices and options that may take only a short amount of time to find out, but are well worth the effort.

I don’t know about you, but I always get a second opinion. I subscribe to the age old adage: “Measure twice, cut once.” In these trying and complicated financial times, spending less for something that costs more, is certainly something to think about.

Every funeral service starts with a basic cost and then the list of extra services begins. Buyer beware of funeral service providers who may charge membership fees; extra for house removals; removal of a pacemaker; mileage charges; sheltering of the deceased and more.

If you or someone you know is faced with a “funeral emergency” and the choice is cremation, how much are you willing to pay? Would you be willing to pay an extra $1,000, $2,000 or even more than the lowest cost? Does the final and complete cost for a cremation service matter to you?

You certainly can pay lots more if you wish. That is an available option. If the amount you spend for a cremation service is of no consequence to you, then money doesn’t matter.

Funeral service providers can charge you whatever they want for any service they list. By federal law they are required to give you a price list for every service they offer. The difference from what they charge and what you are willing to pay is the question. Think carefully about the choices you make that are over and above the cost of a simple cremation. Do these extra fees add to your feelings, or love for the individual? Is this what your loved one would have wanted?

Once you receive the price list, it’s either good for you or it is not acceptable. Why wouldn’t you get a second opinion for a simple cremation? Gone are the days when you walked into a funeral home and they gave you a price and you paid it. There is no reason not to make your own choices be known.

We urge you to always get a second opinion and even a third. These are tough economic times for people with limited funds. When faced with a “funeral emergency” you should demand the best service at the lowest cost.

Joseph Casper is the owner of Casper Funeral Services. Contact him at 617-269-1930 or toll-free at 800-314-1890. Find out more information at www.CasperCremation.com.